

Travel Awards By


Supported By


Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsor




MBI Conference 2023: Mechanobiology of Health and Disease offers prime opportunities for sponsors and exhibitors. We expect to host around 250 attendees from around 20+ countries.

As part of the conference, we are pleased to offer booths for sponsors and exhibitors to interact with conference attendees and showcase their research, technological advances, and/or new products. Companies interested in sponsoring are welcome to get in touch with us at mbi-conference@nus.edu.sg or mbilath@nus.edu.sg.



We offer the below sponsor and exhibitor packages for the MBI Conference 2023: Mechanobiology in Health & Disease, which include the following opportunities:

1. Sponsor booth which allows for interaction with conference attendees & showcase products

2. Branding on conference collaterals

3. One page advert in the e-abstract book

4. Complimentary registrations


Platinum Sponsor: 10,000 SGD

This principal sponsorship opportunity will guarantee the sponsor prominence in branding on conference collaterals. The sponsor is entitled to two complimentary scientific registrations, dedicated space at the conference venue for material distribution and interaction. The sponsor is entitled to one exhibition booth which Includes first choice of location in exhibition The Sponsor is also entitled to one full page advertisement in the e-abstract book.

Sponsor may provide: conference bag with company logo (including publicity materials in conference bag) and lanyards with company logos printed.


Gold Sponsor: 5,000 SGD

Gold sponsors will be featured on the conference collaterals. The sponsor will also be entitled to dedicated space outside the conference venue for material distribution, one complimentary registration to attend the talks and one full page advertisement in the e-abstract book.


Silver Sponsor: 2,500 SGD

Recognition on the meeting website and logos in the e-abstract book and program.


Sponsoring of Conference Banquet: 15,000 SGD  

The conference banquet will be held on one of the evenings and will be the highlight in the social program of the conference. The Sponsor will be acknowledged specifically during the Dinner speeches and will also have the opportunity to give a 10 min presentation at the dinner and interact with the participants. The Sponsor is also entitled to branding on all the conference collaterals. The total cost of the dinner would approximately be $20,000.


For any other possibilities, please email us at mbi-conference@nus.edu.sg.

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Supported By:

Travel Award:

Email us here if you have any enquiries